What is Brainstorming

The best way to get a great idea is to combine a lot of ideas, and the best way to have a brilliant idea is to have a lot of them.

Brainstorm Brief:

  • Defining the problem / product / service / or project – which is to be brainstorming.
  • Recruit employees from different levels of production areas – who have different perspectives and expertise in their tasks.
  • Establish guidelines for brainstorming – including necessary rules, such as not criticizing ideas or passing judgment on ideas, etc.
  • Encourage each participant to present their ideas in front of everyone to generate ideas.
  • Record generated ideas on a highlight board or other means.
  • Build on ideas – Encourage participants to build on each other’s ideas by suggesting changes or additions.
  • Review and evaluate the received ideas – evaluating the potential and feasibility of each idea.
  • Selecting the best and most promising idea from the ideas.
  • Implement the selected idea.
  • To follow the progress of implemented ideas.

Way of thinking solutions, concepts, ideas in solving problems.

Using the brain to storm new ideas in groups

It’s easier to tone down a wild idea than to think up a new one.


Brainstorming is:


brainstorming technique is the technique of generating a large number of “ideas” in a short period of time. It is typically used in a group setting, and involves the free-flowing exchange of ideas without criticism or evaluation. The goal of this brainstorming is to generate as many ideas as possible to find new and creative solutions to a problem, or challenge.

The Brainstorming refers to the process of systematic and eclectic generation of a large amount of ideas from many participants. Each of whom is encouraged to volunteer their creative input in an environment that is free from criticism and judgment of other participants. In contrast to disorganized brainstorming where participants can think in the form of ideas.

It is provides certain rules that participants must follow in order to gather input and distribute it more systematically and evenly.


Why and when to use brainstorming?


  • The creative process is not always easy (when there is a problem of fear, criticism, no existing solution has yet been found).
  • One person has limited capacity, more people generate more ideas.
  • People judge new ideas immediately (a change is difficult for a human being).

When special problems arise in production areas, which cannot be solved by managers alone. Because some problems can be solve only through deep thinking. The technique of brainstorming is consider useful when a group of employees from different levels generates a large number of ideas in a short period of time, which is task with finding new and creative solutions to a goal problem or challenge.

In many cases, when a business wants to put a new product or service in the market, the business needs many ideas, which come up with the right idea for the new product, or the improvement of the existing product of the business is feel necessary. But the business doesn’t know what to improve, at the movement this technique is useful in a creative context at times.

It is important to note that brainstorming is most effective when it is used in a supportive and non-judgemental environment.

All ideas are encourage and welcome, regardless of feasibility or practicality.


How does it work?


  • It is necessary to be in a group of people (means more than two people sit together and brainstorm.
  • Free association is required for the given subject.
  • Must be in a relax and friendly environment.
  • Deferred Decisions – Human Mind, Skip the Lateral Thinking.

When we are talking about a subject, it is very important to understand it. So to understand brainstorming here it is important to understand how it works.

Naturally, brainstorming involves gathering employees from different levels and backgrounds. Those who are asked to express their thoughts, to reflect deeply on a subject, problem or other matter. Moreover, their ideas are listened to and incorporated into the processes.

The basic process of this brainstorming usually includes the following steps:

  • First, the problem at hand should be define which the groups form are trying to solve.
  • To encourage free-flowing ideas, reassure team members that they express their ideas freely without fear of criticism or evaluation.
  • All ideas lead to more information and more ways to solve the problem, so the group works together to generate as many ideas as possible.
  • Every idea generated through brainstorming should be record. A designate person can record all these ideas – on a whiteboard, flip chart or digital platform, so that they can be reviewed later.
  • Evaluating and prioritizing each idea so that after the brainstorming session is over, the group ideas can be reviewed. So that it becomes easier to evaluate them based on their potential and potential impact.

What is the main rule?


  • Relaxed environment – It is important to be completely free.
  • No criticism or judgement, just take a look at the topic presented
  • Quantity matters, the more people and the more ideas benefit.
  • All thoughts should be valid, so that a quick conclusion can be reached.
  • Get all your ideas down on paper so that you don’t forget any ideas or things
  • evaluate only after the session

We call this rule or process requirement, both are the same thing. In fact, the rule of thumb is to generate as many ideas as possible without any criticism or judgment.

What we would call “free-flowing” or “free-wheeling” ideas. Where there is no need to worry about whether the manifest thoughts are good or bad.

Simply, unleash as many creative ideas as possible, which have the potential to lead to more and more unexpected solutions.


Brainstorming constraint


  • Does not rank ideas.
  • Can’t help you select important people.
  • Does not suggest the best solution.
  • Must be modified in other ways? methods.

Factors that can be a hindrance to brainstorming are as follows:

  1. The biggest factor here is the time constraint. It goes without saying that it can be difficult if asked to generate a large number of ideas in a limited amount of time. Often a hasty or incomplete idea becomes meaningless.
  2. Group size is also considered an important factor. When the groups are large and their numbers are also high, it becomes difficult to manage them.
  3. Unfavorable group dynamics such as lack of trust, fear of criticism, or power imbalances can inhibit idea generation and participation.
  4. Having preconceptions or a fixed idea of what the solution should be can limit the scope of consideration during deliberation.
  5. Often times an organization with limited resources can limit the possibility of certain ideas, which has the effect of stifling brainstorming.
  6. It is possible that when thinking groups focus their thoughts on a specific goal or objective, the results of those thoughts remain limited. Which is a hindrance to broad thinking.

It is important to be aware of these barriers and work proactively to minimize their effects, so that consideration is as fruitful as possible.

What to for make Brainstorming more effective?


  1. Gathering ideas from all team members about a certain topic, issue, or problem in an organized manner;
  2. Encouraging team members to be more creative and open to new or unconventional ideas;
  3. Preventing effective team members from controlling the output of the team’s brainstorming efforts;
  4. Foster synergy among team members to build on each other’s creative thinking; and
  5. Keeping the process of obtaining input from team members focused on the team’s mission.




The brainstorming process is ideal for use by teams that are new to brainstorming sessions, as disorganized brainstorming can be difficult to handle under certain conditions.

There are many things that can make brainstorming more effective, some of which include:

  1. A positive and open-minded attitude. Encourage participants to brainstorm with a positive attitude and an open mind to new ideas.
  2. A comfortable and private environment. Create a comfortable and private environment that allows for free-flowing ideas to be generated without fear of judgment or criticism.
  3. Diverse group of participants. Encourage participation from a diverse group of people with different perspectives, experiences and skills.
  4. Encourage wild and crazy ideas. Encourage participants to generate wild and crazy ideas, as this often leads to unexpected and creative solutions.
  5. Use visual aids. Use visual aids such as diagrams, sketches and mind maps to help organize and communicate ideas.
  6. Encourage active listening. Encourage active listening and give everyone a chance to speak and share their thoughts.
  7. Avoid criticism. Avoid criticism and negative feedback during a brainstorming session, as this can inhibit idea generation and participation.
  8. Keep it focused. Keep the brainstorming session focused on the topic at hand and avoid wandering into unrelated topics.
  9. Follow up. Follow up the ideas generated during the brainstorming session to determine their feasibility and likelihood of implementation.


How to resolve the session


  • Specify objectives – Make sure everyone is happy with the central question.
  • Decide the roles: – Leader, Recorder, Panel.
  • Explain the rules (or make sure everyone knows them. After all – a warm-up exercise for fun). You can let people jot down some ideas before starting.
  • After a few rounds, start by going around, open the floor.
  • Record ideas exactly, clarify only at the end.
  • Judgment Suspended!
  • Encourage ideas, even the most radical and far-fetched. Allow late thoughts, don’t rush.
  • At the end – eliminate duplicates, give clarifications, thank the participants.



Nowadays, businesses have become serious about brainstorming. New ideas become a powerful tool for rooting out complex problems. Which is becoming a permanent method for free flowing and unedited thinking.

Where a group of people come together to generate as many ideas as possible without judgment or criticism. Brainstorming sessions can be made more effective by encouraging the participation of a diverse group of people, using visual aids, and promoting a positive and open-minded attitude.

It is important to proactively work to minimize potential bottlenecks and their effects, making the brainstorming process more productive and efficient with this technique. With the approach, brainstorming innovative solutions can be obtained, which is highly beneficial for the business.

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