What is Productivity?

Productivity It is a method of measuring efficiency, which describes various measures of the efficiency of production.

With which you can be successful in getting results with less time and effort. In general, it can be said that the ratio of the output in front of the investment in the production process, which is counted for the specified period.

meaning of productivity




If a product manufacturer makes four different types of products, and to make them, different processes, services, workers, goods, or inputs of any kind are consolidated.

Productivity = Total output / Total cost

To put it simply, “in a day” –

If a manufacturing unit produces 500 products with 200 workers,

Another manufacturing unit produces 700 products with 300 workers under all conditions and identical conditions – this is how it is defined.

It happens that the output of the second manufacturing unit is more than that of the first manufacturing unit, but the “productivity” of the second manufacturing unit is less than that of the first manufacturing unit.

Special text:

“Productivity is not mean busy”

If a person looks busy, it does not mean that his productivity is high. While counting the productivity of anything or even a person – count on the basis of time i.e., hour, day, week, month, or year.


It can also be said that the efficiency of completing the work with less cost in a fixed time.


What are common productivity challenges?


Outdated or inadequate machinery and equipment


When you think of increasing productivity, the most complex and important is the old or inadequate machinery and equipment, it does not mean to throw it away and buy new machinery [the right solution is maintenance]. Frequent breakdown of machinery – costs time and affects the quality of the product.


Disruptive work environment


Nowadays working environment is seen as the main challenge. Because the work environment has a direct impact on the work of the employees. Due to which the employee is not able to complete the tasks on time, which affects the unit.


Personal reason


This is one of the most important factors that reduce productivity, because ultimately all the work is done by existing individuals. Individual mental state, fatigue, incomplete training, etc. are important factors. Personal demands, relationships and family have a direct impact on productivity.


Insufficient training


There are many production processes and activities in manufacturing units, which each employee completes on the basis of his work area, but it is also necessary that each employee should perform his tasks correctly and safely. To meet those requirements, good and adequate training has to be provided by the management. If there is any error in them, then there may be delay or error in the completion of work. As a result, productivity decreases.


How to increase productivity?


Do not do multiple tasks at once. It is human nature that when there is more than one to-do list. We try to do all the tasks at once. In fact, we think it’s easy, and we can do things like talk on the phone while riding a bike or do other things while eating. But in reality, you are not able to concentrate completely on any task. Focus on one task at a time, and you’ll actually end up getting it done faster.

Take breaks in between tasks. Taking scheduled breaks really helps improve concentration, helping you maintain a consistent level of performance.

Make a group of small goals to complete the big task. When you see Everest, it seems impossible to climb it, but if you make small steps your goal, then it becomes possible.

Self – Set time limits for your tasks. Although setting a deadline creates stress, if this deadline is set by oneself, it helps in meeting the goals.

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