Use cynefin framework in crisis and uncertainty conditions

In this modern era, the globalization of the economy not only affects the development of countries but also the internal processes. The new ventures remain in the behavior of every businessperson. It is natural that these changes have made it necessary to learn how to quickly respond to each challenge, from managers to junior employees.

For example, if previous management relied on the talents of selected people. So today we are talking about increasing the level of controllability at the expense of the intelligence of the many, not the chosen. By more fully revealing their creative natural potential, such as brainstorming.

But when there is a global recession or crisis, solving this basic task is even more necessary. Because the way out of the crisis cannot be done by the will of the elements themselves. Scarcity of resources in such times will give rise to a conflict in which the entire stock of technological means will be used. The competition will intensify every year.

How to manage enterprises in such a rapidly changing environment and especially in situations of crisis and limited resources? Lean techniques and tools are one of the most efficient resources. However, there is one that any enterprise starting to implement lean techniques may face. These are stereotypes of the behavior of managers and employees, which are exceedingly difficult to break.


What is Cynefin Framework?


The Cynefin framework is a decision-making framework developed based on phenomenon typology. which is used to help organizations understand complex problems and situations by supplying a method of classifying them according to their level of complexity.

This framework divides problems into five domains: simple, complex, complex, chaotic, and chaotic. Each domain requires a different approach to decision making, and the framework provides guidance on how to identify which domain a problem belongs to and how to respond appropriately. It is a commonly used tool in the field of complex adaptive systems, knowledge management and sensing.

Here we see, the framework outlines five domains, which are used to categorize problems and situations according to their level of complexity:


Cynefin framework





Simple problems in this have a clear cause and effect relationship, and the correct solution is obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of the problem. This emphasizes solving problems best with a structured, linear decision-making process as well as a best practice or expert-based approach.




Here, in the outline of the second domain, complex problems have multiple causes and multiple practical solutions. Where the correct solution is not obvious but can be found through analysis and experimentation. These problems are best solved with a structured, linear decision-making process and a best practice or expert-based approach.




Where complex problems are characterized by a lack of clear cause-and-effect relationships, and solutions appear only through system actions. These problems are best addressed with an iterative, experimental approach and a sense-building approach.




The chaotic problems can be characterized by rapidly changing conditions, and prominent levels of uncertainty. In which the appropriate response is often unclear, and the situation changes before a solution is implemented. These problems are best addressed with an adaptive, trial-and-error approach, and a sense-building approach.




A disorder characterized by a lack of understanding of problems or situations, and where it is not clear to which domain the problem belongs, in this case, the first step is to establish a shared understanding of the problem, and it has to be classified in one of the other domains.

Although each of the five domains above is distinct, many problems or situations may have elements of more than one domain. Nor are the boundaries between domains necessarily clear. So using the Cynefin framework an organization can easily understand the nature of a problem or situation, as well as choosing the most appropriate approach to address it.


What is Cynefin framework used for?


This framework is primarily used as a tool for decision making, and problem solving in complex and uncertain environments. Which proves useful in understanding the nature of a business problem or situation. It also helps in choosing the most proper approach to address it. For this end, here are in common uses of the Cinefin framework are include:


Finding and classifying problems:


This framework is used to classify problems according to their level of complexity. This information is sufficient for the business to understand the nature of the problem, as well as to choose the most appropriate approach to address it.


Improve decision-making ability:


By understanding the complexity of the problems that arise in manufacturing sectors, using this framework helps in making decisions that are best suited for manufacturing sector problems. For example, in a simple type of problem or a structured one, the decision-making process may be proper, but in a complex problem, a more iterative and experimental approach may be required.


Sense Making and Knowledge Management:


This framework is useful for businesses to understand complex situations, as well as to “manage knowledge” in complex systems. It will create diverse types of “Knowledge Map” needed to solve several types of problems. Which will recognize the existence of the gap, so that the business can fully understand it.


Improve organizational agility:


By understanding the various issues facing the manufacturing sector in general. The Cynefin framework contributes to making the manufacturing sector more agile and responsive to changing conditions.


Facilitate problem solving in teams:


This framework can be useful, as team members can use a common language for this. Which can give them a kind of system to understand the nature of the problem and work together to find a solution.


How Cynefin framework works?


The framework is structural method that bifurcate problems in categories. Theses categories can be either as per situations or even to their level of complexity. As you know this framework divides problems into five key domains, where each domain requires a different approach to reach to decisions. Moreover, it can also help to identify – which problem is belong to which domain, according to that management can decide – how to respond with appropriate issue.

Here is a general overview of cynefin framework – How it works?


  1. Finding out the problem. At the first step, finding the issues or situation that requires proper solution.
  2. Classify the problem. All the found problems are needs to classify as per its level of complexity in this step. To classify the problems, the method will be consider appropriate factors – such as the level of uncertainty, number of variables involved, and cause-and-effect relationships.
  3. Choose the proper approach. Here in this step require to choose the appropriate approach for the addressing problem to ensure applicable method to resolve it. Such as, if the problem is simple there is only require a structured method, or even linear decision- making process. While a complex problem can be requiring an iterative, experimental approach to resolve it.
  4. Act. As per selected approach require to take necessary actions to address the problem or situation.
  5. Reflect and evaluate. After implementing an action, review the results and evaluate the effectiveness of the selected approach. Incase require adjusting the approach and repeat the process.


As I believe, the Cynefin framework is not a one-time process, it is continuous cycle of sense-making, and decision-making method. This tool helpful for manufacturing units to understand the nature of problem or situation, and helps to choose suitable approach for address, and elimination.




The Cynefin framework is a decision-making tool that is widely used to categorize problems or situation as per its complexity. Typically, it is divided into five domains: The problem is simple? It is complicated? complex, It makes chaotic? or being disorder to system?. Generally, as per context of a situation – business can determine the suitable method to reach the proper decision and solve the problem in the right manner.

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