The Initial stages for the Management Planning Process

Management Planning Process is the strategic process plan on based of organization’s objectives and targets. The Initial stages in the process is defines a design of process to meet its targets.

Management planning process elements are:

  1. Establish Objectives and targets
  2. Identify resources
  3. Analyze the Situation
  4. Establish Strategies to Reach targets
  5. Prioritize objectives and tasks according to its importance
  6. Manage timelines with each objective
  7. Evaluation methods and reviews
  8. Effective communication plan
  9. Identification of alternatives

Actually, Change Management Plan is not part of the initial stages of the management planning process. But here it has been included to increase knowledge.


Overview to Management Planning Process

Management planning is the process of base of design for achieving an organization’s objectives and targets through sophisticated and detailed plan of acts for meeting end point. On the initial stages in the management planning process needs to defines a road map that will provides a structural design for each objectives. It will be carried out in order to meet the requirements given product requirements. Much like a defines another business plans, long and short-terms both are consideration for plan.


    1. Establish Objectives and targets

The initial stage of the management planning process is to identify specific objectives and targets. The part of these processes are should incorporate detailed information of each objective, includes intent of selection and the expected outcomes for the targets. The ultimate target for the organization may be improve overall management in the administrative and site work tasks. In order to measure and track any improvement, you can coordination will:

        • Establish holistic objectives for the organization to increase its potential to provide these opportunities.; And
        • Set measurable targets for the individual work tasks based on the organization objectives. In the case of manufacturing sites, factors such as contract sum, task duration, and size of task labor force will determine which objectives need to be addressed and reasonable targets to be achieved.

    Where possible, objectives should be described in any terms, such as in percentage, amount, quantitative or ratio.

      But objective should be measurable in any term.


    1. Identify resources

Every task should have estimate of resources used, including manpower and financial with its completion. Management plan must include the estimation of each resources requirements, and duration. Such as which, what and how much resources used can increase process performance. Quick example, if a management want to increase product quantity 100 units at a production line in single shift. It should be estimated exceed at least 5 manpower, and needs install extra machine will require for complete it.

    1. Analyze the Situation

Fair planning can happen only when you have a knowledge of the situation. So you can use any planning technique for the right planning, such as product analysis, SWOT analysis, or any other methodology that gives accurate information. And it reasonable for your business processes.

    1. Establish Strategies to Reach targets

To achieve any goal, its original intentions have to be fully understood. Therefore, each goal should be included in its objectives and its associated work. With the establishment of objective-based processes, it can be said that, initially we have reached path to achieve ultimate milestone.

For example, if the target is for increase 100 units at a product line in single shift, a management determine appropriate tasks required to meet the objectives. Off cause, it will might need to include increase manpower /or provide technical training and install new machine / or upgrade it.

    1. Prioritize objectives and tasks according to its importance

Making targets and tasks according to its importance is the first step to achieving this goal. Whatever work or purpose you prefer, it affects all other activities. So principally prioritize tasks on base of analysis of its importance, and that should first have completed. For example, if an objective’s target is increase 100 units in production in single shift, and it will need to increase manpower as well as new machine that it need to complete the steps toward achieving that objective in successive method.

    1. Manage timelines with each objective

Ideally there should be a timeline to complete each task associated with any objective and assigned individually. In this part of the management planning process, it is to be done to ensure that all the activities are done in its time limit. And it has to be seen that in the time limit, in fact that the task determined in fact has been successful in reaching its target.

    1. Evaluation methods and reviews

The management planning process should be involving structural methods for evaluate processes and improvement of each targets. The method will examine the progress of each target to ensure complete in time period. Generally, Management can determine enhancement in processes through reviews of improvement graph, and trend.

    1. Effective communication plan

Here in potion of management planning process, a communication plan used as an objectives driven method to co-ordinate of information. Stability of each planning and action agenda should communicated and delivered by specific standard method. The part of communication plan should be defining by informative ways for specific information, when someone received information, it would be keep its punctuality.

    1. Identification of alternatives

This portion of management planning is to identify any alternative courses of actions. Best plans can sometimes be going out of track due to uncertain situations. At the movement management plan should involve alternative actions that identify gap and manage contingency with immediate effect. It is often in management system that alternatives can anticipated perform with identified on objectives needs, and planning premises.



Change Management Plan

A Change Management Plan is structural planning that defines processes to organize and controls of changes occurs. That may address the impact of change to whole an organization, or particular portion of processes. All the changes are made in Management plan should measurable against the task’s baseline. It may include scope, planning and scheduling, action plans, risk related processes, impact on quality of products and system change.


Why change management plan?

Change can occur due to expected or unexpected reasons during process cycle. A change management plan controls the impact of change on initial stage of process. Which will help to controls over the costs, poor quality, wastage, and waste of time. Actually, it is anticipated activity that as critical to the success of the specific process.



Change Management Plan – Example


Management Planning Process




Final Thought


Management plan describe the purpose and scope of the process. That may include strategic process plan on based of organization’s objectives and targets. The plan defines the personnel responsibility for the process. It may describe the process and its application on the particular task, and will be follows by those executing the works. The distribution of the plan can be control, and may be revise, its revision will be documenting and approves before being reissue by the concern manager.

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